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SFPA Reminds Fishers of Fishing Vessel Logbook Requirements

SFPA Reminds Fishers of Fishing Vessel Logbook Requirements

The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) is reminding fishers of European logbook requirements. Fishing vessels of 10 metres overall length or more that are engaged in commercial fishing are required to maintain a fishing logbook. The SFPA published a Fisheries Information Notice (FIN) last August entitled ‘EU Fishing Logbook Requirements’ which is available on the SFPA website at

The FIN summarises key requirements for vessel masters and owners under the Council Regulation (EC) 1224/2009 and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 404/2011. This includes the mandatory information to be reported in the logbook and the requirements for the completion and submission of fishing logbooks. Logbooks must be updated every day, no later than midnight, immediately after the last fishing operation has been completed, before entering port, and at the time of any inspection at sea.

Fishing vessels that are 10 metres overall length and above, up to 12 metres overall length, are required to complete a paper logbook. Vessels of 12 metres length overall and above must keep an electronic logbook. The FIN provides information on the completion of both paper and electronic fishing logbooks. An example of a paper logsheet is provided in the FIN, along with guidance on the completion of each field. Fishing vessel masters should familiarise themselves with this FIN to ensure they are filling in their logbook correctly and submitting the logbook in a timely manner.

For further details on the FIN, please contact:



Note to Editor

The ERS is a system for recording, reporting, processing, storing, and transmitting fisheries data (catch, landing, sales, and transhipment) according to the EU rules. The key element of the ERS is the electronic logbook. The electronic logbook is used to securely record and transmit details of fishing operations. The information is entered by the master of the fishing vessel and is transmitted to the Member States authorities.