Disposal of Animal By-Products

Animal by-products can pose a threat to animal and human health if not properly handled or disposed of. 

Animal by-products are defined as animal carcasses, parts of carcasses and other products of animal origin that are not intended for human consumption. This includes both cooked and uncooked fish, shellfish and other fishery products not for human consumption.  Animal by-products can pose a threat to animal and human health if not properly handled or disposed of.

EU Regulation 1069 of 2009, as implemented by EU Regulation 142 of 2011, controls the collection, transportation, storage, handling, processing and use or disposal of all animal by-products. This legislation divides animal by-product material into three categories based on its potential risk to animals, humans or the environment and sets out how each category should be used or disposed of.

Regardless of their category, animal by-products must be collected and transported in sealed new packaging or covered leak-proof containers or vehicles. To ensure traceability, all consignments of animal by-products must be accompanied by a fully completed commercial document as specified in EU Regulation 1069 of 2009. 

The majority of animal by-products of fish origin are classified as Category 3, which includes:

  • Fish material that is not destined for human consumption
  • Finfish by-products arising from processing activities (excluding mortalities)
  • Shellfish that have been previously fit for human consumption but have now passed their shelf life

The newly published SI 187 of 2014 on animal by-products transposing EU Regulation 1069 of 2009 and implementing Regulation 142 of 2011 is now available on the link below:

Further guidance may be obtained on Animal By Products - Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine

 Any queries may be emailed to sfpafood& or tel (023) 885 9300

For parties interested in obtaining approval as an animal by-products operator, including those wishing to transport animal by-products, application forms and conditions are available from:

Animal By-Products Section
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Pavilion B, Grattan Business Centre
Co. Laois

Tel: 057 869 4343 / 057 869 4345