Exports of Fishery Products to Great Britain
Export Health Certificates are required for trade between Ireland and GB depending on the product being exported.
UK border control authorities implement SPS controls based on their classification of products and exporting countries as being either low, medium or high-risk. This risk-rating determines the necessity for official controls including Export Health Certificates, pre-notification of consignments and frequency of physical checks at the border among other SPS control procedures.
Medium and High-Risk Consignments require Export Health Certification. In line with the UK Border Target Operating Model, export consignments of low-risk products will only require pre-notification, no export health certs are required.
Exporters can search for their products here to establish whether they are high, medium or low risk.
Export Health Certification for trade with Great Britain is provided via the European Commission Platform TRACES. A guide on how to register for TRACES can be accessed here and guidance on correct completion of Export Health Certification for GB can be found here.
Exporters should refer to the Guidance Document on the implementation of Export Health Certification for trade with GB here for more information on trade with GB including risk categorisation of products, transit consignments and consignments passing through Northern Ireland.
For any enquiries regarding exports to Great Britain, please email SFPATradeandAudit@sfpa.ie
Related Links
Link To Industry Training on DAFM For TRACES
Link to DAFM User Manual For Industry Creating EHCs TRACES
Link to Information Notice - TRACES Helpdesk Contact, GB Labelling Requirements and Preparedness Advice