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Quarterly Statistics

A cumulative quarterly report of landings will be posted here. Please check back regularly for updates.

Quarterly Inspections Report

A report on the number of inspections carried out quarterly, will be posted here. All data are provisional. Please check back regularly for updates. An excel version of this report is also available for download Inspections Report Q1 - Q2 2024

SFPA Port Office Area Q1 Q2 Total Inspections
Admin Physical Admin Physical
Castletownbere 34 66 45 94 239
Clonakilty 15 54 19 80 168
Dingle 36 31 59 49 175
Dunmore East 2 38 28 72 140
Greencastle 35 15 16 12 78
Howth 68 48 45 57 218
Killybegs 6 252 10 96 364
Rossaveel 5 30 23 50 108
Inspections (land) 201 534 245 510 1490
Inspections at sea* 0 24 1 78 103
Other Non Vessel 0 63 0 51 114
Grand Total 201 621 246 639 1707
* Inspections at sea can be SFPA or Naval Service Inspections