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Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority Publishes New Fisheries Information Notice

Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority Publishes New Fisheries Information Notice

Fish Species Prohibited from Commercial Exploitation in Irish EEZ Waters

The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) recently published a new Fisheries Information Notice (FIN) titled, ‘Fish Species Prohibited from Commercial Exploitation in Irish EEZ Waters’. This FIN provides important regulatory information for the fishing community. The FIN can be accessed on the SFPA website by following this link: FFSU-FC-FIN-OC-06-23 Fish Species Prohibited from Commercial Exploitation in Irish EEZ waters.  

The FIN aims to inform commercial fishers of prohibited fish species within the Irish Exclusive Economic zone (EEZ). The objective is to bring awareness to commercial fishers of the need for effective procedures for the protection and management of these species through gear selectivity and the importance of adhering to return-to-sea and recording procedures for accidental bycatch as required within legislation.

Protected species include all species officially protected across a range of international conventions and legislation. These are defined as species that:

 - are legally protected.

 - their populations are considered vulnerable as assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) or,

 -  may be considered vulnerable to the effects of fishing activities due to low stocks or mortality rates.

Legislation and policies in place for the conservation of prohibited species are deliberated at a global, national, and regional level. It is important that commercial fishers should minimise their effects on protected species through the appropriate measures detailed in this FIN to monitor and reduce bycatch.

The key areas covered within the FIN includes:

 - prohibited species recorded in the Irish EEZ.

-  visual representation of prohibited species for identification.

- characteristics of each species to aid accurate identification as well as the care, return to sea and recording requirements for fishers in the event of accidental catch.

For further details on this FIN, please contact: sfpafood&

