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SFPA Strategy Consultation

SFPA Strategy Consultation

Public Consultation

The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) sets out it strategic programme every three years. We are currently preparing the Statement of Strategy for 2021 – 2023, which will focus on what we want to achieve during this period to ensure we deliver the effective regulation that is central to the realisation of the vision for the shared marine resources surrounding Ireland.

As part of the process of developing the strategy, we welcome the contribution of members of the public and stakeholders, especially those who fall within the SFPA’s regulatory remit. We would welcome your views specifically in relation to the following questions:

  • What are the forthcoming challenges that we need to address and is our current focus adequate to meet those challenges?
  • How well do SFPA services meet the needs of the marine sector and how could they be enhanced?
  • What matters should be considered in developing the SFPA mission, vision and value Statements?
  • What metrics should the SFPA use to measure our performance and monitor achievement of our strategic goals?

A copy of our current strategy can be viewed at We would be grateful to receive your response together with any more general views you may have on the strategic direction of the SFPA and how it can best deliver on its remit.

Please submit your response by email to


Note: Please be advised that submissions received will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

Tags: Strategy